Hi, I'm Anna.

I'm a front-end web developer.

I am a recent graduate, and my journey in web development is just getting started! I consider myself a lifelong learner that is committed to expanding my knowledge in front-end development and beyond. My passion is creating websites that are engaging, responsive, and accessible.

Feel free to take a look at my skills and projects. I am currently seeking a full-time position in web development where I can expand my skillset and continue growing. If you think I'd be a great fit for your team, or just want to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Contact Me!

My Skills.

My development skills are very front-end focused at the moment. However, I am expanding my knowledge by exploring back-end technologies like PHP and SQL. My goal is to transition into full-stack development. I believe having experience in both the front-end and back-end will result in more well-rounded and dynamic websites.

I am experienced in:

html5 icon css3 icon javascript icon

I am learning:

react icon php icon sql icon

My Projects.

A collection of my work.

Under construction, please come back later :)

Contact Me.

I'm always open to new opportunities and connections!

Feel free to drop me a line whether it's a project you have in mind, a job opportunity, or just want to say hello. Otherwise, fill out the form below, and let me get in touch with you!